All-time favorites (Recommended Stories)

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Below is a list of my all-time favorite fanfictions (ones that I don’t mind to read over and over again, well but not the chaptered ones tho). Most of them are oneshots. These are highlyrecommended for you to read. (for those who haven’t read, of course)

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How are you doing? I’m doing alright here. Still remember me? No, i guess not lol. So uuhhhhh

I don’t even know where to start. It’s been a while since I last opened my wordpress page and you probably didn’t notice that I’ve set my page on private for months. I haven’t written anything here since last year. This wordpress page that could pass as a garbage is probably filled with nothing but spider webs lol. I haven’t written anything on my other sites (aff and wattpad) either. The last one was July.

I was busy with other thing actually. I’ve been spending my time with reading, I’ve been reading a lot. Like, a lot. I’ve taken an interest towards children book and middle grade books since half of the year and a lot of fanfictions! Just not kpop fics.  And most of the time, I’m on twitter. (Follow me @karmabuttercup ! lol)

So I’ve noticed that Sooyoung fanfics are getting less and lesser. The readers are disappearing and so are the authors. As you know, most of Sooyoung stans are at least 00line and older (I’m 98liner!) and we are not getting younger each day. Most of us are busy with uni. Authors can’t simply update twice a week like they used to do. Some still update fics with longer time gaps, some even have left the fanfiction world for good. Kpop is getting more popular each day but most of them are stanning trendy groups and newer with fetus members who are actually younger than us. It’s an inevitable situation. It’s not a surprise that these days we see so little of Sooyoung (or SNSD for that matter) fanfictions on wordpress, asianfanfics, and even wattpad.

As for me, my reason is not because I’m busy. I’m a homegirl lol. I actually have just enough free time to write. You know, I’ve been trying to update my latest fic actually, but the spirit isn’t just the same like it used to be. Sooyoung’s got a boyfriend, she’s left SM, and she’s in her late 20s. It just doesn’t feel right anymore, I always feel guilty for making her a character in my fanfics. Like somehow her boyfriend’s gonna read my fanfics and then try to hunt me down lol. So yeah, that’s why I’ve been disappearing too. (Except if you read Fermata by Hanif, you will see me commenting on her page!) The shipper-thingy too just feels weird now, even weirder by the fact that Sooyoung’s not single.

Though, I still ship her with someone secretly, so I am kind of a closeted shipper now hahaha. I tried to create a fic with original characters but I just can’t lmao. So I’ll stick with fanfictions but uhhh.

BUT! I can’t just close this page down! After all, everything started here. I have no regrets that 5 years ago I decided to jump on the fanfic writer bandwagon. From that point I started to learn how to write, and I always loved the feedbacks. Such glorious times.  Sooo yes, I will not update the unfinished chaptered-fics here but I will not close this page down for it has so many memories, and actually I still write, but on my wattpad (though my latest update there was on July lmao). So I probably will still post occasionally here, probably another rant like this, a book/movie review (but I doubt I can be objective, so that’s less likely), book/movie/fanfic recommendations, and promoting my fanfics that are still going lol.

As you see, the picture above is the result of my first time changing someone’s hair color. I edited it back in 2014 and I’m still kind of proud. It’s been a while (even longer than the last time I wrote) since I touched adobe photoshop I think I’ve lost my skill in creating fanfic posters, well whatever you call it anyway, I’m not even that good in making posters even during my active years as a fanfic writer.

So is there anyone stumbled upon this post??? Can you please comment? Anything? Just talk, I really want to talk, I will reply. Especially if you’re a fellow Sooyoungster or even greater if you’re one of sooyoungfic readers? But I doubt you’re my old reader kkk~.

You see I’m always active on twitter so please hit me up! @karmabuttercup (I’m still a full time sone btw)

Hai, Gelsha!


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Sebelumnya hatur nuhun buat Meyda yang sudah berbaik hati ngetag aku wkwk. Why covernya siga kitu? Soalnya saya selalu pengen tinggal di countryside dan segala kehijauannya yang damai.

Si gelsha giliran bikin yang gini mah rajin, kalo update ff mah beuh. Tadinya mau bikin nanti tapi takut keburu kadaluarsa jadi ya, yaudah deh.

Warning! Warning! Bahasa boled! (*boled: bahasa campur russia-mandarin. Anzir wkwk, bukan bukan, indo-sunda)

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Twenty Things about Winterchan


Assalumualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Pertama-tama saya ucapkan terimakasih buat kak gui (farah) dan kak fani yang sudah menandai saya juga. Terimakasih banget! (dan special thanks buat kak fani (lagi) yang sudah ngajarin saya cara ngetag orang di wp xD)

Sebelum baca (itu juga kalo the real ada yang mau baca ya) beware dulu gais beware! di bawah ini aku ngejawabnya sambil curhat. Gatau deh kenapa jadi suka merembet ke curhat. Warning! Bahasa boled!

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